Since I was sick and stayed in during New Year's back in the states I figured I should head out for my first Chinese New Year. Before I went out I captured this photo while sitting on my couch looking out to the balcony. No, these are not professional fireworks, just another example of the love of fireworks here.This next photo below is on the way to the bar. We saw three guys run into the street with a large canister, set it down, light it and run. It started shouting these amazing aerial fireworks all around the cars that were driving down the street!
These last two photos were taken at the bar I was at that night. Near midnight they handed many of us a cylinder that shot out tons of confetti. To others they handed out what seemed like an endless supply of sparklers. Each in and of themselves would have been great. Both at the same time caused a bit of panic for many of us. The confetti started lighting on fire in small amounts all over. (Don't worry mom I knew exactly where the exits were and would have been well ahead of everyone if it picked up) It was a phenomenal scene but not too smart!
Speaking of not too smart, I guess I could be lumped in that pile on NYE. I didn't get home until after 6AM and my body was none too happy about it. I slept until 5:30PM and still wasn't recovered. Oh well it was a great CNY celebration!
safety shmafety! those are sweet pictures!
yeah, now that looks like a heck of a party! what better than flaming confetti to liven a place up?!?!?
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