Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chinese New Year - Awards

So we started a new tradition this year in my company.  I wanted to acknowledge those people who had worked for the company more than 5 years.  These days in China there is less loyalty than in the past, so employees jump jobs all the time.  I figured it we can recognize everyone it would go a long way towards building loyalty.

In this case I only told one person in the office that I was doing it.  That was our GM (the bald guy in the far right of the photo).  I arranged for our CEO and myself to sign a certificate that shows their achievement and then I also got a coffee mug with 5 year service and company logo on it.  Lastly in an envelope was 500 rmb (about $80).

The reaction was awesome when they opened the envelope.  In fact the taller woman on the right literally started fanning the money out and yelled to everyone something to the effect of "see what happens when you stay here and work hard?  They give you extra!"  It was perfect. 

Only problem I had is that I took petty cash from our CFO to pay this cash out.  However since she was one of the recipients I couldn't tell her what I needed it for.  She told me later that we would have an accounting problem because it should be taxed to the company and the employee.  That's an accounting problem I'm happy to have!

McDonald's Special Meal

I've usually told anyone that asks that McDonald's does a pretty good job of controlling their food from one country to another.  Simply put a Double Cheeseburger, is a Double Cheeseburger anywhere in the world.  But alas Ronald McDonald does put out some different things in various countries.  For instance in China you would never find a Cherry or Applie pie, rather they are Red Bean pies.  Also here in China chicken is king so McD's sells lots of chicken wings.

But here is a new special they are running now.  I'm not sure it's available in the states or anywhere else but I'll be sure to avoid it.  Call it the heart attack waiting to happen.  It's two burger patties, bacon and lettuce on top and mashed potatoes on the bottom.  Thankfully the fries come on the side!

Enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Well for you all back in the US it is Valentine's day.  For me it is over but I'm up super early and couldn't sleep so I thought I would add this.

This photo was taken on Monday in small town in China, the day before Valentine's day.  The couple in the photo have been married for 60 years.  And get this, this was the FIRST time they had ever been photographed in color!  According to the caption they had never done that before.  I thought it was too good to pass on.

I don't know how representative this is of older folks in China but it certainly isn't the norm these days.  We've all seen the scores of Chinese tourists and their camera's everywhere, but maybe out in the countryside with the more remote villages it's more common than you think.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I thought I had seen it all...

Until today that is.  It's amazing how I've become immune to so many different day in/day out challenges that I don't really even notice them anymore.  Yet when visitors are here they quickly pick them up and make comments.

In any event today I had a first.  I was out to lunch with our main mill in an area outside of Hangzhou.  As an FYI Hangzhou is a city of about 9 million people, but I'm guessing you have never heard of it.  In any event we are sitting there enjoying the typical round table lunch full of various Chinese food.  I ask the waitress for some rice.  While the Chinese eat rice as a staple I tend to do it when I'm in a place I don't know and don't trust the food.  This way at least I have something helping to fill me up.

Well about 10 minutes goes by and the waitress comes in and says they are out of rice.  Really?  Did that really just happen?  I'm in China, eating at a Chinese restaurant and they don't have rice????  Not to mention it was snowing outside, so I'm a little worried that "hell froze over" today...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hard at work!

This woman was working as hard as I've seen to pull this wood down the street.  It isn't packed as high as some I have seen but it was heavy wood and she was doing her best.  Keep in mind this is downtown Shanghai where she is working, would think they would get some more automated help but no...

A day of mourning...

Well the day has come to say good-bye to a very dear friend.  A friend who has been with me for just over 9 years now.  This friend is my passport and I've run out of room for stamps.  It's had two additional sets of pages added to it and the government will not allow more.  So I need a new one sadly.

This passport has seen over 25 countries in its nine plus years, been stamped over 314 times, has visa's from China (8), Vietnam (4), Indonesia (1), Cambodia (1).

The passport will be missed but can't wait for the new one and see what adventures it takes me on...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Brawl on the Bund

Back in December I attended a charity event called "Brawl on the Bund".  Basically it's white collar boxing.  One of my buddies was supposed to be one of the 16 fighters, that is until he got his nose busted up during training and needed surgery.

All in all there were about 1,200 fans in attendance and 8 fights that we were to witness.
 The fights started at the lightest weights and went up higher and higher.  As the weights increased it seemed that the intensity increased as well.  This was some serious boxing and I'm mighty glad I wasn't in that ring!

The event was black tie optional and it was great to see so many folks dressed to the nines for this event. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

It's been too long, sorry!

Well I have a ton to report from the past two months, a Brawl on the Bund, Christmas in Chicago, Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year vacation in Thailand, apartment hunting, and so on.  I will ramp back up here shortly.  Sorry to those dedicated followers who have been waiting on the next big post.  Lots to come.

I came across this photo recently showing the growth of Shanghai over a 20 year span and figured it was a good way to get back in the swing of things.  It just shows you that life moves very fast over here and it's no wonder I haven't had time to update this of late.

One thing I find extremely interesting is the clouds back in 1990.  We unfortunately rarely see that type of cloud cover anymore.  Usually it's hazy or thick clouds, nothing like these.