Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's ALMOST race time, Philippine style!

So last night I did my last swim before racing on Sunday in the Philippines.  All in all my training has been good leading up to this one, with the exception of my swim, where I just haven't put in the time.  So I needed to get this one in.

However it nearly didn't happen...For this swim I went back to my old apartment complex to swim where I haven't been for months.  As I was about to get in the pool from one end, I completely slipped!  I landed hard on my wrist and came within inches of smacking my head on the pool and knocking myself senseless.  There were a couple of other foreigners near by and they were shocked I didn't get hurt.  Lucky!

In fact the swim itself was far and away my best swim of the year.  It was strong, felt fast and leaves me feeling good about that part of the race.

Here is a little more coverage on the race...

Now if we can just avoid the typhoon that is in the area....

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