Sunday, February 24, 2013

Christmas/New Years 2012 - Cambodia

So this Christmas I didn't return to the states.  Rather an college friend of mine, TP, came over from Houston, meeting me in Hong Kong and from there we went to Cambodia and Vietnam.  Both of which I've seen before but he hadn't and we hit some new places for me.

Since both places are full of excitement I will split this into a couple of posts, starting with Cambodia...

Gotta try the local beer right?

The main reason to visit Cambodia is to see the temples, known as Wats of in and around Siem Reap.  Collectively they are known as Angkor Wat, but there is really one wat that is specifically Angkor Wat.  Generally you rent a tuk tuk driver and go on one of two loops, the short or the long and it's going to take between 1-3 days to see all depending on how much you want to see.
Here is the actual Angkor Wat at sunrise, around 5:15AM when tons of visitors come to see this magnificent temple.

I told you there are LOTS of people up before the crack of dawn!

More of the Wats, all have different properties and are very unique.

One cool thing in Angkor Wat is you can still walk on, around, in and anywhere you can get.  My guess is that with tourism booming, sometime in the coming years that will no longer be allowed, either for safety or preservation sake.

A bit after sunrise when the crowds have dispersed on their ways to see other parts inside the temple.

Cool entry way, these statues are on both sides of the road welcoming you over the river into the temple area.

My buddy, TP, enjoying some fresh mango on a stick out of a bag that morning while we look for our tuk tuk driver.
On the river heading to see an amazing floating village.  Everything here takes places on the river.  It's a bit of a tourist trap but well worth the visit.

One of the "shops" on the floating village.  All the locals buy their goods from one of the many shops like these.

There is even an orphanage on the river.  You are "encouraged" to bring food and candies to help support the kids.  We purchased some noodles from a practicality standpoint and then also some lollipops.  The kids were very appreciative and well behaved, each saying "thank you" before taking one piece of candy.  In fact I never saw them eat it, but rather laid it out in an organized fashion as this young did. 
Saying a prayer before eating their ramen noodles.  The noodles were actually cooked by one of the older kids who resides there. 

On our way back from the orphanage we stopped our tuk tuk driver to look at this.  This is actually a local's home who farms right there.  Amazing to see how little they can live with AND they are an amazingly happy country!  We could learn a lot from people who have much less than we do. 
Nightlife in Siem Reap is pretty impressive.  There are a few square blocks of markets, bars, restaurants, etc.  The crowd is heavily influenced by everything from backpackers on the dirt cheap up to rizty first class places. 

This is the place that "started it all."  A bar called "Angkor What?"  Cool blacklights inside made for some cool photography!

What better way to build a Christmas Tree than to make it out of Tiger beer cans?

Street vendors cooking up all sorts of goodies....

I think her eye is looking right at me!

Cleaning those chickens and selling as fast as possible...

"The Wrestler".  Some sort of really, really cheap alcohol that one of the bartenders showed us.  Nah, I'll pass and stick to beer or pretty much anything else.
Bottom line is Cambodia is a wonderful place to visit.  Great people, good food, and amazing sights.  If you get a chance get there in the coming years as it is sure to evolve and change to a more touristy and not as exciting place. 

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