Friday, June 6, 2008

Drunken Shrimp

One great thing in China is eating fresh seafood, fish and vegetables all the time. However this bit of shrimp was a new experience for me. First off we were delivered 3 dishes. One was essentially fresh green beans, the other was liver (from what I do not know). The last was this glass dish with a red looking sauce...

When I took off the lid I found that the dish was filled with shrimp. What shocked me was that the shrimp were still totally alive! Yes I said ALIVE!!!
The sauce was a mix of red wine and vinegar. The dish translated was called "Drunken Shrimp" because after 10 minutes or so the shrimp die from drinking the wine. However they are never cooked as the dish is actually relatively cold. I've not been one to eat live anything and so the idea didn't sit well with my stomach. But I grabbed a small one and gave it a try...
It's a little challenging in that you have to peel the shrimp in your mouth while thinking about it still being alive even though it is dead.
All in all it wasn't terrible. My colleague on the other hand loves them and kept grabbing big shrimps as you can see here.
I found out later that the factory person we were guests of pretty much eats anything. In fact he was asking my colleague if she had tried rat? Don't think I will go that far!

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