Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vacation - Cambodia/Vietnam

As usual I have gotten out of the habit of posting on here.  Will try and do better for those who occasionally check it out.

In early August I needed a break.  So I bought my tickets and went off to see the cultural wonders in Cambodia and then to Hanoi, Vietnam.  Both places I had never been to.

Cambodia was amazing.  It started a bit tough to handle as the first stop on my trip was to The Killing Fields where tens of thousands were slaughtered and buried by their own countrymen back in the 1970's.  From there the rest of the trip was uplifting.  Up to Siem Reap where Angkor Wat and all the temples were, then the floating villages.  It was hot as all can be hiking everywhere.  Felt like I lost 10 pounds a day just sweating like in a sauna.

You had to stay on the paths though in Cambodia as there are still land mines throughout the country from the war.  They can't clean them all up fast enough.  Be careful!

The trip ended with three days in Vietnam.  Up on the north part of the country.  Most of my time was spent in Halong Bay which is a World Heritage Site and features nearly two thousands islands made of limestone.  So impressive.

A link to my photo journey is below...


Chip said...

Part of me is very jealous each time you make a post. The things you've seen that I never will amazes me. The other thing I always think about is the food. I'm not a foodie by any stretch of the imagination and I think I would starve. I *know* I wouldn't try some of the things you've talked about.

nmitchell said...


Firstly thanks for reading and commenting. Never know if people still check this but I figure I will keep a record of some of my adventures for myself down the road if nothing else.

The experiences are amazing yes. Sometimes the food is too. But sometimes not. In Nanjing I ate something that is called "Stinky Tofu". I'm not a fan of Tofu in general but I tried it. First bit I thought, not so bad. Then the aftertaste kicked in! It tasted like one who think horse manure would taste like. Awful! Plus I had no drink and really no other food on the table to wash it down with!!! Brutal.

Hope you and the family are doing well.