Sunday, October 10, 2010

My week...

So come back from vacation have one day in Shanghai, including the wedding I just went to.  Tomorrow back to the office for a few hours, then off to the airport for a flight to Shenzhen.  Meet with JCP on Monday night and then first thing Tuesday fly back to Shanghai.  Spend the afternoon in the office, have dinner with a colleague and their family that night.

Then on Wednesday begin the trek back home to the USofA!  First stop NY.  Spend the end of the week in our office there.  Then the weekend with Mom in CT.  Sunday off to NC for the High Point Furniture show. 

After all that then off to sweet home Chicago for a few days before returning to China.  I'm excited to come home, see some folks, etc but am tired thinking about all the travel.  Thankfully I'm well rested after vacation!

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