Sunday, December 12, 2010

1 year

Well it is now official, I have lasted one year with my new company.  Not quite one year of officially living in China since I didn't move here until February but still one year with Richloom Fabrics.  After 14 years with my previous employer and now only one year here, it seems a lifetime ago that I was in my previous job.

I'm thrilled with my decision to join this company and I haven't looked back one time. The people and the organization are top notch which is huge. The amount that I have learned and absorbed in 2010 can't even be put into writing.  I started knowing the industry because it is related to furniture but not the real specifics of the textile trade.  Now one year later I can say I feel relatively comfortable with textiles.

The past year has not been an easy one.  The year started with the usual of employee challenges.  It is typical that after Chinese New Year employees change jobs, want more money, etc.  As we had about 45 people at the beginning of the year we are large enough to have this type of problem.  Now at the end of the year we are at 59 employees and every day is a challenge.

We have experienced excellent sales but lower margins thanks to rising material costs.  We have had some quality issues that have forced me to learn more technical aspects of the business as well.  Plus we have had to deal with the rising of the value of the Chinese currency vs the US dollar.  Last but not least the unprecedented skyrocketing of material costs.  I use the date of Nov 8th as our M-Day for material day.  That was the day that all broke loose and went haywire.

So I look back on lots of accomplishments and with plenty of pride about surviving through what has been a tough year.  I'm sure the year ahead won't be easier on many fronts but at least I'm far ahead of the game by now knowing the textile industry much better.

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