Saturday, April 2, 2011

Beijing and the bank

Last week I went to highly entertaining conference on Cotton Sustainability in Beijing (ok so not entertaining at all).  A couple of days of speakers that were mostly in Chinese but that was ok because we all had headphones and it was instantly translated.  Kind of felt like being in a UN type meeting in fact.  The difference between the Chinese speakers and the western speakers was astounding.  The Chinese took the approach of just spitting out statistics, numbers and data one sentence after another.  Honestly it was impossible to keep up and follow what they were trying to tell us.  Then the western speakers were mostly following their agenda using anecdotal evidence, relating to previous speakers and being a little more free with information.  Was quite an interesting difference between the two.  All in all the conference was beneficial even though it seemed to be more focused on cotton in relation to apparel than my field of home furnishings.

In my free time I wandered around near the hotel as the weather was awesome.  Right down the street I found this bank and wondered who in their right mind would deposit their money here????
The Worri-bank?  Really?  Not smart folks!

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