Monday, September 12, 2011

A Worldwide Remembrance

This weekend was Mid Autumn Festival...also know as Moon Cake Festival.  Basically it means that in the weeks leading up to the holiday we get and give lots of moon cake's as gifts (they don't taste good either!).  But it also means a 3 day weekend.  Given that I haven't had a beach holiday or break this year I went to Thailand for some R&R and with the hopes of getting rid of the burned in tan lines from my race in Korea.  Well it rained 2 out of the 3 days so the tan lines are still there.  But just getting out of China for a couple of days was well worth it.  Good Thai food, lots of rest, and a bit of sun, not bad for three days.  Now time for the redeye flight back to Shanghai and work on Tuesday morning.

As everyone was aware this was also the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  It was cool to see how the world reacted.  In the month of September there has been a bunch of coverage in newspapers in China, on CNN (Hong Kong edition), etc.  It was magnified mightily this weekend with coverage in all the magazines, on TV, the internet and in newspapers.  Some had a local twist to the articles be it from Malaysia, Thailand or Japan.  It was sad in some ways to remember but in other ways it is great that we have not forgotten!

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