Sunday, March 30, 2008

A funny sign and non-stop construction!

The first photo was taken on the stairs up to a 2nd floor restaurant. I'm not sure what kind of "landslide" they expect inside the restaurant but I found it funny nonetheless. Unfortunately with the Olympics fast approaching China is doing all in their power to replace/fix all the signs that aren't translated properly- which isn't fun.

This photo doesn't do justice to the construction that simply doesn't stop here. I've heard that in the late 1990's when Shanghai was growing in leaps and bounds that they had 25% of the worlds cranes in use! It doesn't shock me.

The growth is everywhere. From "small towns" to the mega cities you see images like this everywhere. FYI a "small town" is typically categorized as 500,000 plus people! As of a few years ago China had over 100 cities that had a population over 1,000,000! That's just crazy! How many of those cities can you name?

In any event this photo shows the general construction method. This building is covered in some sort of green tarp from top to bottom. Then on the outside you see the bamboo scaffolding! Yup I did say Bamboo! Amazing to see!

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