Friday, June 13, 2008


It seems like flooding is all over the world these days. I've seen disasters in Iowa and Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin Dells! Well my current "hometown" of Shenzhen is not immune either. Today we have been inundated with torrential rain all day! These photos are taken in the Bao'an area of Shenzhen near the airport.

There are notices up in my apartment complex that we have officially begun Typhoon season and to make sure windows are closed, etc when you leave. I guess I should get used to this!

I've also just looked out my window at the South China Sea and you can literally see a line in the water where it goes from brown to blue. I'm not sure if this guy thinks he can actually control/move the bus in these conditions!
If this were me I would be outside of the bus even if that meant in the flood as I wouldn't want to be trapped in the bus if the water started rising fast!

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