Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What do I eat on a regular basis?

I have been asked in numerous e-mails to try and explain what I eat on a regular basis. When I'm not on the road I try my best to eat at home. Within a 5 minute walk I have a full grocery store. However many things in there are really for locals. For example this photo of a variety of meats included dried duck! Thanks but no thanks!! So in this store I find a lot of staples like: rice, juice, milk (another story for another time there), soda, Oreo's, Pringles, great fresh vegetables, etc.

Then I also have 2-3 western stores that are like small convenience stores that carry a variety of western foods. This includes many items that are way over priced but at the same time it's the only way to get them. This is stuff like canned Tuna, Mac & Cheese, potato chips, Oscar Meyer Bologna and the occasional Turkey!

So I do eat way more Bologna and cheese sandwiches than I've eaten since I was a little kid! But I have also been experimenting with some Chinese style cooking. Pork is excellent here and used often because it is relatively inexpensive. Rarely do the Chinese eat beef so when I cook that is usually what I try to make.

Below is beef (at least I hope it is) that was bought at Wal-Mart with snap peas, onions, peanuts and a spicy Chinese seasoning. All on top of a bed of rice with some extra hot peppers on top! By the way this isn't Uncle Ben's 10 minute rice! This rice has to be cleaned at least 2 times before being cooked in rice cooker for about 30 minutes or so. I must say I love this dish!


Natalie said...

Oh yes, I remember paying up the wazoooo for Skippy Peanut Butter and Pop Tarts at the American food store when we lived in Eindhoven. Every trip home we'd stock up on lightweight food to bring back with us. When's your next trip stateside?

Natalie Schaefer

nmitchell said...

Natalie - I've already begun making a list of everything I need to buy and bring back! It's growing quickly for sure. My first trip home will be in one month. I leave on July 22nd. Looking forward to being home for a couple of weeks! Nolan