Friday, July 18, 2008

Public Transportation

Taking the bus in China is a very common and cheap mode of transportation. Near me they are 2RMB a ride (7RMB = $1.ooUS). So lots of people use them all the time. I've been on them before where it is just packed like sardines and MORE people get on.

In Shenzhen the bus drivers have been reprimanded of late by the government for poor driving habits. They are ridiculously fast, pass anything they can (including other buses on the same route), cut into traffic, and sometimes don't stop at stop lights if they know there are no cameras in the vicinity. Why do they drive like this?

The answer is simple I have found. They are paid by the number of riders they have. So it's in their best interest to pick up as many as possible (even if they don't fit in the bus easily). So if they see another bus ahead of them getting ready to pick up a bunch of people they step on the gas to get their first!

Kind of makes the CTA problems seem small huh?

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