Friday, October 1, 2010

China National Day

Today is Oct 1st.  It is the 2nd most important holiday in the Chinese culture behind the Chinese New Year.  It celebrates the founding of the People's Republic of China on Oct 1, 1949.  It has officially become a 7 day holiday with offices, government services, etc being closed Oct 1-7. 
I know to many who do business with China that it seems like we get lots of holidays/days off here.  I'd say that is somewhat true.  A week ago we had Wed-Fri off for the Mid Autumn festival.  But to make it up we had to work the following Saturday and Sunday.  For the National Day we also have to make up two of the days on a Sat/Sun.  So it is less than it appears but annoying as all get out to me.  I say if you get days off you shouldn't have to make them up later!!!

So I woke up this morning on Oct 1st and the city is dead quiet.  Not the rush of cars, horns, people, bikes, etc out my window either.  It's been a very peaceful couple of hours.  However it's now nearing 11AM and the fireworks have started.  I'm sure they will be in full effect later this evening as well.

As for me I'm using this opportunity to visit another country I've never been to before.  I'm heading off to Bali, Indonesia late tonight for a week on the beach of sun and relaxation!

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