So last week I went to see a TCM, which is Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. Basically I went because my hip had been bothering me thanks to doing a lot of biking and running this summer. There was not necessarily lots of pain but more just discomfort, even when sleeping it was tough. So I figured a western doctor would give me some drugs, tell me to avoid running or the bike the next couple of weeks and go from there. But since I'm doing a race in 3 weeks in the Philippines I figured that option won't work.
The TCM I figured might help the alignment and get what I think is the IT band back in its proper place. After a brief exam the doctor gave me 6 acupuncture shots, that then get held under a hot light for about 25 minutes, during which I fell asleep. Then after that I received the cupping treatment. 18 cups in all on my back. These are hard to describe but they leave a bruise that looks like a giant circle.
OK so the treatment is over and the doctor says she also noticed I have a slight "Qi Deficiency." Other than asking me a few questions she didn't say more so I googled it upon getting home....
It's most interesting. Firstly on the symptoms I don't believe I have any of those. In terms of the tongue, I think it's pale because we never see sun here! If my pulse is "empty" then does that mean I'm already dead?
The only thing they have correct is the "factors" other than the old age I will agree...
So if anyone knows where I can buy me some excess Qi that would be great.
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