Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Macau (con't)

Well I haven't finished the story on Macau so here goes.  Back when I lived in Shenzhen a group of us always said we wanted to JUMP off that Macau Tower!  It was usually said after a couple (or a lot) of drinks and there was little fear.  A couple of us made a trip one time but it was closed due to weather.  Well now most of that group has moved away from China so the dream or promise was looking bleak.  I reached out to the one other person still around, she lives in Hong Kong, and we agreed to meet up there for a weekend including that jump.

I HATE heights!  Let's be clear on that up front.  But it was a promise I made and wanted to follow through on it.
We got there around opening time (10AM) on Saturday, knowing that we didn't want to wait in line and get even more nervous.
Yet as I sat here all strapped in I was quite nervous.  We went out on the platform when one other guy was ahead of us.  He was bungy jumping (a little different than we did, will explain) and seemed excited.  He was from Brazil and in typical Brazilian manner was singing and almost dancing in the seat, super casual and having fun.  Well then he got up for his jump and it all changed!  It took probably between 6-8 countdowns of 3-2-1-jump before he finally went.  I gotta say watching him get nervous didn't help my nerves at all.

 So instead of a bungy jump that attaches at your feet and then snaps back like a rubber band bouncing you back up we chose to do the Sky Jump.  On line it sounded like a free fall that at the end slows you down until your feet land on the landing pad.  So in some ways it sounded like the more intense option. 

After we signed up we found it described a bit differently.  It's more like the equipment used to film stunts for movies.  So it is a controlled jump the whole way.  Still we were to drop at about 70k an hour, which is quick but nothing like the 200k an hour from the bungy jump!

Regardless of the option we choose it was obviously all systems go and no turning back.  The weather was clear and the view I had while jumping of all of Macau was stunning.  It was kind of cool to be flying down but still able to check out the sights.  Unfortunately this type of jump didn't give you the massive adrenaline rush that you would expect.  It was only scary right up until the point of jump and about a second after that.  Once you got used to it the descent was easy.
Here we are all happy that we survived and honestly debating already should we have done the bungy jump?  I guess I will make another trip at some point and give that a shot.

I've never done a bungy jump, never jumped out of an airplane, etc.  However I would have no worries doing it with the company that owns and operates this.  They were first class all the way with Australians managing the facility and testing everything.  It was a huge help to have them.

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