Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Textile Show - protest

Our company email is down and with me being on our US server and it being the middle of the night, nobody is there to fix it!  So it's given me a chance to catch up on some blog's as it's been nearly a month. 

One of the biggest news items has been the territorial dispute between China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands.  While the US has officially not taken a stance (that I am aware of yet), the Chinese are reporting of course that the US is supporting Japan.  There has been some heavy backlash of Japanese companies all around China.  Even last week the US Ambassador to China had his car attacked in Beijing, all thanks to this.

We had our fabric show a few weeks ago and I saw this sign posted outside one of the showrooms.  While I guess I understand it a bit, I think it would be better to have been in both English and Japanese instead of English and Chinese!

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