Friday, April 20, 2012

Shanghai Train Station

Earlier this week I was at the Shanghai train station heading out to visit one of our mills.  The woman I was traveling with said that their was a huge man walking behind me but not to look right then.  So when the time was right I turned my head and she wasn't kidding!  This guy wasn't huge but truly a giant.  He was followed by 3 or 4 others including a small kid rolling along a small steamer trunk.  Wait on second look that's not a kid at all, that is an adult!!!

Unfortunately I couldn't get a view of them standing or side by side, but this photo below gives you an idea.  The "kid" is in the foreground and the giant is in the back in the green.  I'm pretty sure the metal steamer trunk that is on the left could fit the kid and is probably part of some circus act.

After time we noticed that a number of people were taking photos and finally some people went up to them and got a handout, so of course I did the same.  Here is the brochure....
I've gotten the gist of it translated but in essence these two men are both 24 years old.  One is 238cm (7'8' tall!!!) and is referred to as "No1 tall man in Asia."  The kid is 102cm (3'3") and is referred to as the "No1 Dwarf in Asia."  The brochure is a sales pitch that they offer where you can get your wedding photos taken with them in it.  If you do you get a free 30" photo to keep.

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