Thursday, November 18, 2010

Through the eyes of a newbie...

 Since I have spent a couple years getting to know China and Asia, I have probably gotten a bit jaded on things.  I don't see things through eyes as open as I once did.  That's not bad all in all as I have certainly acclimated to things.  But it does mean I see it differently.  So the below is an excerpt from a work e-mail from a NY colleague visiting China for her first time.  She has very much enjoyed her visit to Shanghai and then out to the mills we partner with in the Hangzhou/Liping areas.  Take a look at how she describes the more rural areas.  By the way Hangzhou is a city of about 9 million people give or take...

"Well- hangzhou is very interesting!! I thought I was mentally prepared to see certain things, but then when I was actually put right in front of them, I
found them shocking and heart breaking. The amount of poverty is really crazy and the number of bike contraptions carrying heavy loads was out of control!!  I was really excited to see Elite, but holy crap the smell!! How do the workers work without masks or the ones by the looms without ear plugs!!  But, I finally got to see my first jacquard loom and (this is nerdy), I almost cried! It was so amazing and beautiful. We haven't had a chance to really see the area- we were hoping to walk around last night, but it was late and raining. So maybe tomorrow I will get up early and explore. 

We had a traditional Chinese meal last night and I will never forget pigeon
egg as long as I live! I know that doesn't sound daring- but in my eyes
pigeons are flying rats of the world, and I ate its egg! Yikes."

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