Friday, May 27, 2011

One week till vacation...

So it's Friday early evening and that means that I have officially one week left until vacation and it couldn't come soon enough.  Too bad it won't be long enough either.  However a week from tonight I leave for Venice, Italy.  A friend I met while I lived in Shenzhen, China is getting married their.  So it will be a good group of us from all over the world re-connecting in Italy.  Never been and totally looking forward to it.

It's also one week until my company has their twice annual trade show in the states showing off the new fabrics for next season.  So that means it is utter chaos in my office now trying to get production completed and out the door.  Not to mention all the testing that needs to be done.  Or the regular problems.  Or the additional government mandated power outages causing less production time.  Ohhh the headaches...bring on vacation!

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