Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Triathlon becomes duathlon

Well if this doesn't stink.  In typical TIC ("This is China") fashion the local government decided not to advise the people who had gotten permits, government agreement, road closures and so on that the reservoir where the swim was going to be held was going to undergo a major renovation...until just recently.  So now three weeks before the only race of it's kind in China the race goes from a triathlon to a duathlon.
 My dilemma was I wanted to do at least one 70.3 (also known as 1/2 Ironman) race each year living in Asia and also to hopefully do it in a different country each time.  Well if it is now a duathlon I guess I can't check off China 70.3 as being completed!
Only good thing is my training has been lax on the big picture but my swim training has been downright horrible!
Now I'm thinking of 70.3 in Korea over 4th of July weekend.
 Link for the full story...

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