Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mid Autumn Festival

Happy Mid Autumn Festival, aka Moon Cake Festival to everyone.  I have a few extra moon cakes if anyone would care for one.  Definitely not my favorite things.  In fact the only ones I have that are any good are filled with ice cream!

This year the festival falls today, Sept 30th, and so we don't have a special holiday for it, they have mixed it in with October National Day, which starts tomorrow, Oct 1st.  One of the best parts of living here is the forced holidays.  There are a couple of 3 day ones but the two biggies obviously are Chinese New Year and October National Day.  What does this mean?  Well basically my office is closed until October 8th.  I'm off to the Boracay, Philippines for some rest, sun and beers as of tomorrow.

Moon cake anyone?

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