Friday, September 2, 2011


We worked a trade show here in Shanghai this week and kept ourselves busy.  On the last day I spent some time walking around talking to some suppliers.  There was one mill owner who claimed her business was bad so she had more free time.  In fact she had recently gone to the US with her 9 year old daughter.  She commented on how she couldn't believe how cheap it was to shop in NYC!  She said all week they did nothing but shop and barely looked a prices.  Mind you all this is not shopping for cheapy goods, this is name brand luxury goods - Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, etc.

Then this week as I was walking home I happened to see a shirt that looked interesting in a Lacoste store.  So I walked in to see if they had my size.  They handed me a size "6" for whatever it is worth.  It happened to fit.  Then I looked at the price tag - 1,650rmb which means about $257USD for a short sleeved golf shirt!  Really?????

I never would have guessed the time would be here when someone would say NY is cheap compared to China!!!!

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