Wednesday, September 14, 2011

George Foreman!

Yippee!  The George Foreman is in the house!  Take a look, even Chinese characters on the top of the writing...yet the instructions come in both English and Chinese!

I gave it a shot this evening and it worked well.  I'll need a little more fine tuning as it looks like I didn't buy the deluxe version that has a timer, thermometer, etc so going by blind luck.  Still it doesn't matter, this is awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have thought that the Foreman would have been copied and sold in China immediately after it exploded in the U.S. Don't forget, Hulk Hogan passed on being the spokesperson for the Lean Mean Grilling Machine. He says it was one of the worst business decisions he ever made. Now, he has a midget wrestling show on TV and George Foreman is worth gazillions!