Tuesday, February 28, 2012

McDonald's Special Meal

I've usually told anyone that asks that McDonald's does a pretty good job of controlling their food from one country to another.  Simply put a Double Cheeseburger, is a Double Cheeseburger anywhere in the world.  But alas Ronald McDonald does put out some different things in various countries.  For instance in China you would never find a Cherry or Applie pie, rather they are Red Bean pies.  Also here in China chicken is king so McD's sells lots of chicken wings.

But here is a new special they are running now.  I'm not sure it's available in the states or anywhere else but I'll be sure to avoid it.  Call it the heart attack waiting to happen.  It's two burger patties, bacon and lettuce on top and mashed potatoes on the bottom.  Thankfully the fries come on the side!

Enjoy it!

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