Friday, February 10, 2012

I thought I had seen it all...

Until today that is.  It's amazing how I've become immune to so many different day in/day out challenges that I don't really even notice them anymore.  Yet when visitors are here they quickly pick them up and make comments.

In any event today I had a first.  I was out to lunch with our main mill in an area outside of Hangzhou.  As an FYI Hangzhou is a city of about 9 million people, but I'm guessing you have never heard of it.  In any event we are sitting there enjoying the typical round table lunch full of various Chinese food.  I ask the waitress for some rice.  While the Chinese eat rice as a staple I tend to do it when I'm in a place I don't know and don't trust the food.  This way at least I have something helping to fill me up.

Well about 10 minutes goes by and the waitress comes in and says they are out of rice.  Really?  Did that really just happen?  I'm in China, eating at a Chinese restaurant and they don't have rice????  Not to mention it was snowing outside, so I'm a little worried that "hell froze over" today...

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