Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chinese New Year - Awards

So we started a new tradition this year in my company.  I wanted to acknowledge those people who had worked for the company more than 5 years.  These days in China there is less loyalty than in the past, so employees jump jobs all the time.  I figured it we can recognize everyone it would go a long way towards building loyalty.

In this case I only told one person in the office that I was doing it.  That was our GM (the bald guy in the far right of the photo).  I arranged for our CEO and myself to sign a certificate that shows their achievement and then I also got a coffee mug with 5 year service and company logo on it.  Lastly in an envelope was 500 rmb (about $80).

The reaction was awesome when they opened the envelope.  In fact the taller woman on the right literally started fanning the money out and yelled to everyone something to the effect of "see what happens when you stay here and work hard?  They give you extra!"  It was perfect. 

Only problem I had is that I took petty cash from our CFO to pay this cash out.  However since she was one of the recipients I couldn't tell her what I needed it for.  She told me later that we would have an accounting problem because it should be taxed to the company and the employee.  That's an accounting problem I'm happy to have!

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